Thursday, October 6, 2011

The Power to Inspire

Does your morning have a routine? My weekdays certainly do! And watching Good Morning America as I get Brett ready to head out to the school bus is almost always a part of it. This morning however, I almost skipped it. Things have been super busy with the new shop and I actually got up extra-early (5:30) to try to get ahead of things since I'm leaving town for the long weekend this afternoon. But man, am I glad I watched! So glad that I was inspired to grab my iPad (thanks Mr. Jobs) and scrap the blog I had planned for today to write this instead.

I'm pretty sure you won't be able to encounter any media today without hearing about Steve Jobs' passing. I'm also pretty sure it's virtually impossible to avoid encountering some form of media in this day and age (unless of course you're Amish, in which case you're not reading this blog). The tribute to Jobs on GMA lasted at least 15 minutes, and for once not one thing was shown or said that made me cringe when 11 year old Brett was exposed to it. How awesome to send my bright little son out the door with Jobs' story ringing in his ears and resonating in his heart. How I want to encourage my children to be visionaries...follow their what they true to themselves...and benefit others along the way... And this morning I feel like I had a village to help me do just that .

Jobs' life and passing bring to mind Randy Pausch's amazing little book The Last Lecture. In it, Pausch writes about his life and how he embraces living while knowing that he's dying of dreaded pancreatic cancer. His refusal to "go quietly into that good night", his determination to really truly live right up to the end, and even his disease, parallel Jobs in so many ways. If you haven't read it, you definitely should! I think it should be required reading in every high school English class!

So today, dare to live. Really live. Live like it counts. Because how you spend your day is how you spend your life.


  1. I just love your closing line, "How you spend your day is how you spend your life." So true.

  2. I watched his speech to Stanford graduates this morning and it really inspired me! He talks about doing what you love, and encouraging your loved ones to do the same. Thanks for this reminder!

  3. Paige, I kind of stole from greeting card *sheepishly*...hope that doesn't wreck it for you!
    LuciRae, we mom's have an important job!
