Thursday, October 20, 2011

Final Search Ads Results, and What a Good Husband Looks Like

My week is up and my budget is spent. My participation in, and experiment with, Etsy Search Ads has come to an end. I find it ironic that the $5 budget I established lasted exactly the one week I signed up for...Here are the final numbers:
  • Money Spent                                                       $5.06
  • Impression                                                           5,125
  • Views                                                                       28
  • Favorites                                                                    1
  • Orders                                                                       0
  • Revenue                                                                     0
Another relevant fact that I think is worth mentioning: the search phrase that generated the second highest number of impressions at 904 was "gift bags". That phrase only generated four views. I'm not sure what to think about that. It's the most relevant term in my list of search phrases. Does it mean that people aren't interested in the type of gift bag I make? Am I over priced? Given what goes into making the bags, there's no way I'm dropping my price, so what should I take away from this experience? So come on Etsians! Give me some input here...Checkout my GiftAgainGiftBags shop and let me know what you think! Pretty please? If you'd like, I'll return the favor!

Yesterday I told you that we were going to get the ground in our backyard ready for a garden next spring. Not long after I posted that the sun came out (well, kind of) and revealed that the weather man was right: it was going to be a washout. So when Kyle got up (that's my hubs) I told him he should probably call and cancel the rototiller we were renting at noon. After only half a cup of coffee I heard him on the phone with the local hardware store we were renting from, but rather than cancelling he asked if he could come pick it up right away so he could be done before the "real rain" hit. That was at about 7:30 a.m. Before he even finished his coffee (can you tell coffee's a big deal around here?) he was off for the pickup, and before he even got back the rain started in earnest. Was he deterred? No way!
Here's what a good husband looks like

He worked through the rain, got it all thoroughly tilled, and returned the rental all before 11:00. Once he got cleaned up (what a muddy mess!) we headed out to run a few errands, one of which included a stop at Michael's (my pick, not his--but then you probably guessed that). Because it was still raining he went out to get the van while I was at the checkout so I didn't have to slog through it. What a nice guy, huh? But that's not even the best part...When I walked out the door of Michael's I was shocked to see an older woman lying on the sidewalk in front of me and Kyle in the process of crouching down to tend to her. It seems she had tripped while stepping up onto the curb and landed flat on her face. There was blood flowing freely from her nose and a huge bump on her forehead. We called 911 and while we waited for the ambulance he knelt there by her side, in the rain, talking to her and keeping her calm for 15-20 minutes. Employees had come out of Michael's to help, so he could have left her in their care, but he stayed. It wasn't until she was safely in the ambulance that we left and went to get the fencing and posts that he then went home and put up, again in the rain.

My garden (notice the sun is shining today...)

So there you have it. What a good husband looks like (well, to me). How about you? What's a good spouse or partner look like to you?


  1. Wow! You have a keeper there! To me a good spouse is loyal, hard working, a family man, rolls with the usual daily chaos and thinks I am funny, smart and pretty..even when I am not!

  2. What an awesome husband!

    Your click through rate for "gift bags" is about 0.4%. This is a really typical click through rate for search ads from everything I've seen (and experienced). I wouldn't take it as a bad result.
