Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Etsy Search Ads Experiment, Day 6

Man! That alarm went off way too early this morning. I was so tempted to just crawl back into bed and doze a little more, but then I remembered last Thursday when I woke up as my son's bus was rolling by without him in it...So up I am.

I decided to take the day off from posting my Search Ads results yesterday to do my now-regular Treasury Tuesday. I love taking the opportunity to feature some of the other talented artisans on etsy and didn't want to skip a week. I have to say that as dismal as Sunday's results were (posted on Monday), Monday's were much better in terms of both impressions and views. Yesterday was my slowest day since opening, so the change you see in the numbers below is largely from Monday.
  • Money Spent                                                    $4.29
  • Impressions                                                      4,373
  • Views                                                                    25
  • Favorites                                                                 1
  • Orders                                                                    0
  • Revenue                                                                  0
As you can see, still no orders generated from Search Ads.

On the lighter side: big excitement at my house today! Hubby has the day off before descending into the pit of 12 hour night shifts for 4-5 weeks, and we are celebrating by renting a roto-tiller and chopping up a chunk of our backyard in preparation for next year's expanded vegetable garden. Why do it now, you ask? I want to till a bunch of good soil-enriching compost into it and give it the winter to rot and fester :). Doesn't that sound delightful?

Btw, have you seen the new wine & spirit gift bags I now have available in my etsy shop? I think they're looking pretty good!

Make today a great one!


  1. At this point, I have gotten one sale from search ads. Once I've spent more than that one sale made(27.50, I will consider turning them off.

    Good idea about the garden. I need to put some mulch on my little plot before winter comes.

  2. Ugh. We have to till our garden yet, too. And we want to make it larger. Which means more work. What am I thinking? LOL

  3. Good idea about the compost in the garden. It's good to do some spring prep in the fall. My hubs always seeds and fertilizes the grass now because the grass grows so well in this weather. It will be worth it in the spring!

  4. Love your gift bag!

    Your search ad numbers look very, very similar to mine.
