Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Day Tripping...

Welcome to the 3rd (or is it 4th? I've lost track) installment of tales of my Colorado journey!

Yesterday we took a road trip to Aspen for the day. If you've never driven over Independence Pass, you really should. It is quite the scenic and challenging trip. This is where I would normally insert an impressive picture that I proudly snapped with my little point-and-shoot digital camera. Unfortunately, I was too chicken to get out of the car or even ask mom to pull over...The scenery is huge, dramatic and stunning, and the road clings to the side of the mountain traversing switchbacks and sometimes dropping down to a mere 1.5 lanes for the traffic traveling in both directions. At the top you reach the Continental Divide, and like the rivers you flow in a different direction on the way down than when you were headed up. Pretty cool.

We lunched at the famous Woody Creek Tavern, the decor of which was not to be missed...

The guacamole and margaritas weren't bad either ;). Part way through the meal, mom leaned over and said, "Charlie Sheen made his last stand just a little way down the road from here." That got me thinking about what we might do after lunch...we settled for wandering around town and visiting a few shops. At Brett's insistence  we made a few purchases at Rocky Mountain Chocolate Factory (ok, he didn't have to work it too hard), after which we bounced through The North Face and Radio Boardshop where Kit settled for a cool new tee after I refused to lay down $550 on a new snowboard.

Then, the 5 of us climbed back into the Rav4 and prepared for the looooooooong journey home. I was fortunate enough to sit in back between the two brothers (Kit is 14 and Brett 11). It was the best way to prevent bloodshed. We had lots of laughs, especially after Kit really got rolling after downing a coke at a rest stop. I've never seen caffeine and sugar hit someone's blood stream so fast before! (One of these days I'll dedicate a post to Kit and his humor. He'll be knocking 'em dead at the Laugh Factory before he's 25.)

We were pretty beat after the approximately 2 hour trip home and everyone retreated to the their books and electronic pacifiers. There was talk of a 7:30 a.m. hike, but somehow that never happened. Ah well...

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